
Tall, darkly handsome and pitch black with orange stripes, this duffel totin' weight lifting tiger is rippling with sculpted muscles. Upon first sight, he looks a bit grim with his expression, but he likes to act kind of tough most of the time. He is a blackbelt and is long limbed and in peak condition. His body is all black fur with orangish stripes in a zig zag lightening with a stylized natural tattoo of stripes forming a sort of tigerish face on his backside. He wears gym shorts and a tank top muscle shirt, sometimes the same color as his jet black fur, or see through, a sort of webbed tank top to allow one to see his build. He is chesty, with slightly narrow hips, but not so, that he looks willowy, but in perfect form. He is usually found in his Dojo in the Pond of Tranquility where one may spar with him. He doesn't like sparrers that are cocky as he takes his sparring seriously.

Friendly, with most furs who are friendly with him, he'll talk if you want to talk to him, or listen if he sees one wants to be heard.

A strictly healthy lifestyle fanatic, he despises any sort of performance enhancers that are not natural.

Also Geera is bisexual in some sense, enjoying females, but perhaps not nearly as much as males. he's got nothing against females however, and respects them as equals.

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