
Name: Gearran
Nicknames: Gear/male, Reni/female/herm
Species: Shapeshifter (Mass-based variant)
Base form: Arctic wolf (pure white male, black eartiped female)
Max. size limit: 50 feet (able to be increased with added mass)
Gender: Variable
Orientation: Omnisexual

Gearran is a drifter, wandering where he pleases, staying when he likes, and leaving when his welcome is worn. He is also a member of a race known as Muse, a species of natural shapeshifters who, somewhere along the line, got it into their collective heads that their purpose in life was to inspire others. While his innate shapeshifting abilities (if you actually want info on how it works, ask) allow him to assume any form, within limits, he is usually seen as a male (6'4") or female (5'10") arctic wolf (this has gotten him accused of laziness on occasion from people who know about this ability). Gearran's personality could be best described as "chaotic," with his personality and mood changing as easily as his body. Usually, though, he's friendly and rather laid back, always willing to talk (or communicate in..."other" ways).

Rena, drawn by Ordule:

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