
Once upon a time, there was a city. A beautiful city, center of trade and military might, it owed its allegiance to an all-encompassing and very powerful god. But, that was years ago.

The patron god of this place had long fallen into abandonment. Services had stopped. Sacrifices were no longer being made. And, quite frankly, being abandoned gets boring

One day, this god, this great creature, awoke to find himself rather...confused. He couldn't tell day from night nowadays, lost in a strange, amnesic daze. Without any clue of where or who he was, he set out into the night, his body a weak and pitiful shape. He found the sympathy of a rather large and boisterous foreign nurse, who nursed him to health and fucked him in his sleep.

He recovered quickly, and soon learned that his power and his memories returned as he spread his "seed" or his sexual energy, to willing creatures, usually female. He took on a new name and a new guise. As a roving humanoid wolf named Gareg. No longer a self-sufficient god, he stuck with being a "Demon of Desire."

Gareg was rather tall. Seven feet of rippling muscle, silver fur and piercing, lustful yellow eyes. His mouth was almost always curved in a lusty, confident smirk or grin, and his voice was soft, sensual, yet entirely commanding. It demanded obediance. It brought out in the minds of those he spoke to their deepest and most horrifyingly wonderful desires. He fulfilled dreams, or so he claimed.

Was he truly a god, seeking powers that he once held in great quantities? Or is he just a womanizer with a new gimmick? I suppose we'll just have to find out...


Physically: He's about 7' tall, very muscular silvery-furred wolf, with piercing yellow eyes and a dazzling smile.

His chest is built, well-defined, with rippling, powerful arms and a solid sixpack of abs. He's leaner then someone with his build, standing relaxed, easy-going. He usually has a cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth.

He wears either tight leather pants, a loincloth, or pajama bottoms, depending on the time of day or mood. His outfit changes other ways too, but he sticks mostly to those.

Yiff info: He's open to most anything, but dislikes violence, watersports, scat, vore, unbirthing or extreme masochism or blood. Not a fan of micro or macro, but is willing to try them if the situation is tempting. VERY whisper friendly.


Rape-friendly, but try to make it clear what you're trying to do.

Will do dom/sub.

Is a knotless wolf. NO KNOT. NO SHEATH.

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Page last autogenerated at Tue, Feb 27 / 2007 (08:28 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)