
"Come see me."

He hands you a card, warm confidence in his voice (which is kind of suggestive and deep for the way he looks). It has a lengthy address, going from 122.762 Galbradan Wy all the way out to Via Lactea Γ. How odd... perhaps he wasn't crazy after all, when he started talking about trans-dimensional vacations earlier...

The card has his headshot and title, as well as the title "Luck Doxy." Doxy... He had said something about his line of work; wherever it is he lives, he works as some sort of.. male geisha it sounded like- people coming to chit chat over drinks, shelling out big bucks in the hopes of getting lucky. No, not with him, in life. ... and he'd left his home and taken on a moniker to work there. Right. You remember.

You look up, and he smiles, his eyes crinkling through his bangs. Though at an exotic slant, the brown irises are the dullest things on his body, all things considered. He stood, what, nearly six and a half feet tall? It looked like someone had enlarged him or something, not stretched him- his body type wasn't very manly for that height. After all, those were a woman's hips! And... ass. Considering his thick, curvy shape, he looked like he was supposed to be 4 1/2 feet tall. But he sure came properly underdressed for this place, showing off his fit, faintly muscular torso and thick thighs with little more than a tiny g-string (that looked like it was about to burst- You can see the top of his smooth, held-down sheath because it's so small!), some gold and a smile. Oddly designed bangles of some.. foamy glasslike material jingled on his wrists and ankles, and gold wire rings surrounded the nubs of his nipples. Well, there's also a gold hoop peeking from one ear.

Of course, this isn't the most startling thing about him, really it's his vivid color. He's scaly and very smooth looking. He'd felt nice enough when he brushed against you earlier... the color was a deep burgundy with an overall blue glimmer, making him look purple with a violet glimmer in lower light. Yet other angles shine gold-green. In accent, his very hair seems made of fine, pulled gold, shimmering with deep metallic highlights and shadows. The haircut? Quite contemporary. It's a short-cropped 'do quiet similar to a certain pop-star's. Umbrella, anyone?

When you look back up, he just laughs.. you've been staring at him for however long it took me to write this! Fussy turns tail to leave with a jingly wave, and what a tail it is! It had looked like a horse's from far away, but no, it's just a long lizard tail draped in a long mane that covered his whole tail and brushed the floor. Oh... but he's gone now.... Is that a dollar on the floor?

Fussy doesn't have a preference, so just say hi. He's pretty outgoing but has no patience for cruelty or pettiness.
MacroFussy: All the same attributes, but closer to nine feet tall. Not really THAT big, but maybe he can get bigger...?

FeralFussy: His four-legged form. Robust but greyhoundesque; rolling sinew under plum scales, a deep chest and a high-tucked belly. Silky hair follows his crown to that very longhaired tail, and he stands on fleshy feet with curved talons that are translucent and the same color of his scales. His arched back is long and his muzzle comes to a rounded snout with a soft beaklike shape to it. His neck curves, long,like a horse, obscured by a fall of soft hair on one side, like a horse's mane. This leads to the bundled rise of his strong shoulders. The dragon has slender hips. He can still speak and think as normal, though it's far easier to get him.. excited. Sometimes he gets too excited. Watch out for belly slapping! That pearly girth is eager to come out and spray.. er, play.

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