Check is out, i make the musics with the guitaring and the (fake)drumming
Ferahgo...im pretty sure that Ferahgo means "Fucking sexy beast" in some language or another (dunn bother looking it up, just trust me). He is a wolf, black wolf, black sexy wolf from up north. Not a lolanime or dramalama Rp'er, so dont expect some fucking in depth flashback into my childhood (boring by the way, just picture winter and booze and thats what it was basically all about). Ferahgo is basically a sluttier ver<_< at least thats what i tell myself D: . He does look little punkish, but trust me, he isnt a real punk, like those sex pistols (crazy bunch, making fun of the queen).
He is a very laid back wuff, definately not head first into anything, except hockey XP. I do drink alot, i do smoke mary jane, and i do like men, and thier attatchments XP, though i do take a dip in the vajew everynowandagain. Hockey is everything to him, his list of important things in life goes 1.Hockey 2.Sex 3.Breathing. He can man-pms from time to time, i blame it on my lack of pepsi during the day, for i am on a pepsi diet ;-; .
Well, he is sexy, and i mean sexy. Im not trying to toot my own horn (but that does sound exciting XP), i would tap Fera. Lets start from teh top. I hate metal detectors for one thing, since you've probably my peircing section, i have alot of them, i like them, they like me, its a fucking family. Fera has a little faux mohawk (it be pretty small, no liberty spikes here) on the top of his head. He is all black cept for white on the tips of his ears and the tip of his tail. He isnt all muscley, he is kinda toned, like 1/2 toned, Ferahgo is --ned ^_^. He has a pretty skinny build but his puffy fur hides most of that. His tail is pretty active, flickering non-stop sometimes. He always wears jeans, usually not any footwear, and toight black metal band tee's XP.
Fera likes Hockey, heavy metal (not KISS or any of that shit...real metal like Veil of Maya, Cattle Decapitation, The Faceless, Born of Osiris, Meshuggah, After the Burial....i could go on forever :3), guys and sex.....in that exact order too :3.
Also if you want to discuss philosophy, hit me up, I fucking love philosophy. If you also enjoy zombies, hit me up for some zombie philosophy (im probably an expert in this shit).