
Ena is a friendly hybrid of chyropterae and hyaenidae. She is approx. 5'4'' and covered in sable spots on dark tan fur. Her chest is a faded orange, reminiscent of a fruit bat, and her mane is the same color at the base, fading to black under her coarse, shoulder length hair. She has tall bat ears that are fuzzy and somewhat rounded like a hyena's, and they are quite adorned with silver piercings.A dark line travels down her spine where it ends in her short tuft of a tail. She has sable socks and gloves, and a star brand on her left shoulder.
She has a pointy bat tongue and long canines, and is capable of intoxicating someone she bites with a mix of anticoagulants and endorphines.
She prefers to be referred to as female,not a herm, but neither terminology bothers her.
She has a fat,black 7 inch 'cock' that while not scietifically a true phallus, is shaped exactly like one, and cums silvery prostate fluid.
She loves big strong males,and curvy females, but really, it's all about the personality and the mood she's in!

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