
#25: Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon

"This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up." - Pokédex entry

Electra, or Lectra, is a female Pikachu, with the characteristic yellow body, red cheeks, stripes, and lightning bolt tail. She's a short one, as befitting a mouse Pokemon, whose attitude tends to be as volatile as the lightning she stores in her cheeks. She is of the opinion that an empty lap is a terrible thing, and will often clamber up onto people she hasn't even met, curling up and snuggling against them. She can swiftly shift gears, from indifference, to affection, to annoyance, to lust, and all sorts of fun points in between. Most often, though, Lectra is a cheerful sort, with a constant (if sometimes dark/sarcastic/abusive) sense of humor.

Smile for the camera, Electra.

Electra is not shy. At all. Though she will occasionally act shy (rarely, since she barely understands the concept), she is out-going, perhaps to a fault. She is also very open about her body, typically wearing little, if anything. She despises bras, and is thankful that her chest is perky enough so she doesn't need the blasted things. It is far from odd to see her walking around naked, or in a pair of panties perhaps. She owns some clothing, mostly jeans and t-shirts, but is more comfortable with bare fur. See the pictures above and below to get an idea

A typical day for Lectra... naked relaxation.

Basic Stats:
Name: Electra
Species: Rodentia Fulgurus
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Light Blue (Aqua!)
Bust: 32C
Likes: empty laps, Captain Morgan, hackey sacks
Dislikes: people trying to use her to power/charge things, bras, earthquakes
Favorite Food: Sausage Egg McMuffin
Favorite Drink (Non-Alc): Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider
Favorite Drink (Alc): Bacardi Grand Melón Rum

A picture of Lectra a bit younger than she is now... her hair has changed, but she still has the goggles.

Electra tends to be a creature of the moment, and that extends to her views on sex. If it feels good at the moment, it's all good. Thus, she's rather flexible on what she will try... though that can easily change on a whim. Sometimes she's receptive, sometimes she'll know exactly what she wants, what she doesn't want, and how soon she wants it. Gender matters little to her, though she does tend to lean more towards girls, as they frequently are more willing to cuddle, rather than just fuck like rabbits. Again, that changes according to her mood, so sometimes she goes one way, both ways, all ways, or no ways.

Speaking of girls, rabbits, and cuddling. A lovely picture, drawn as a gift by a lovely bunny, Raz.

As far as kinks go, Electra has a moderate foot fetish, and will happily nibble and massage a nice pair of feet/hooves/paws/tentacles/talons/what have you. She is also fond of using her mouth, nipping and licking at whatever patch of bare flesh happens to be handy, for the most part. She has also experimented with the use of her innate electricity during sex, using low level shocks to 'tingle' her partner(s).

There are a few things that she will absolutely never do. These are mostly limited to bathroom play, and the more... violent.. fetishes. Scat, watersports, vore, inflation, and things like that are right out. There are other things that she's not too keen on, but she'll at least give them a chance... sometimes.

Electra's stats:
Level: 81

HP: 250
Attack: 100
Defense: 103
Sp. Attack: 198
Sp. Defense: 90
Speed: 287

Sarcastic nature
Met on Route 1, Level 5
Ability: Static
Held Item: Light Ball

Moves: (In Game)
Surf (Water, Power 95. accuracy 100%, pp 24, special)
Volt Tackle (Electric, Power 120, accuracy 100%. pp 24, physical)
Thunderbolt (Electric, Power 95, accuracy 100%, pp 24, special)
Dig (Ground, power 80, accuracy 100%, pp 16, physical)

(Manga/Show style) (cause lol, no four move limit in the show)
Volt Tackle
Magnet Rise
Iron Tail
Quick Attack

Electra at the mercy of a lovely (and talented, it would appear) Flareon.

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