
Ebony came from a Strong wilderness pack of Wild wolves. at a Young age his parents worked hard to give him all the tools he would need to survive. Growing up with Four brothers and 3 sisters of varying ages he Knew a happy life. That was Until The Devil Known as Man came. The Pack was chased off and spilt the hunters eventually taking most of his Family away. Those that weren't taken Like Himself were lost to the winds with no way to Contact each other.

Now at the age of 26 The Anthro wolf Found himself wandering a loner with a Tormented Past from the places he had Lived. Wandering from place to Place In search of Friendship and Companionship. Ebony Stood A massive 6'5" Tall Weighing in at about 156 lbs. A Trained hunter with the deepest eyes of blue. Sleek Midnight black fur covering his body made him blend easily into the shadows that Surrounded him.

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