
You see before you a slim, moderately muscled lizard. Hey stands about 5'2" and is a deep black in color, with a set of horizontal blue stripes along his back and sides starting at the tip of his muzzle and running down to the tip of his tail. Around his neck is s thick, ornate golden collar, with a woven gold leash attAched to it; he holds it in his hand nervously, bright green eyes searching around for something.

Drake is a complete sub, totally set in the idea of serving his master; whoever that might be. He will do anything he is told to do, and will take great pleasure in it, as long as it is his master who directs him. The collar he wears can't be removed, and the leash is magical, turning to an armband of gold once someone accepts it from his hands.

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Apr 06 / 2006 (02:54 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)