
Nick name: Doctor Fox/The doctor

Orientation: Omnisexual. Dont know? Ask.

Weight: enough?

height: tall enough to reach the pantry

lab assistant:

Likes: Science, fighting, technology, hugs, Chinese food, things i can eat, desserts, things i can take apart, things I can snuggles.

Dislikes: mean people, unnecessary dynamite, things i cant eat.

Personality: In one word? Nuts. Absolutely nuts. The Doctor is positively mad and loves it. He's obsessed with technology to the point that he can pry apart and replicate anything he gets his hands on or for that matter anything that falls in his hands. Though that doesn't mean that he inst without a fun side. Though ridiculously crazy, he's seen enough of the world to know that if you take things to seriously all the time you'll go crazy. Even crazier than he. Often times he doesn't make sense and wont make sense, though ignore that. He'll make sense in a minute. .

Things involving me: I came here to further explore the character that I created so long ago and more or less to have fun. I am the fox always have been always will be. Don't question it. I'm fluffy and awesome so there. If you want a hug, come hug me. If you want to bitch, go somewhere else.

Notes on doc's home: Its actually not what you think. Between 2 trees is a door and nothing more. Just a door bright and red standing on its own. Once opened however, it leads to the maze and the wonderful world that is the doctor's mansion. But be warned, the house has a mind of its own.

Notes on the lab: The lab! Where the science happens. the doctor's laboratory is equipped with various machines and tubes and gizmos of his own design. He has since come to realize that modern technology just isn't modern enough and thus has built his own fortress of nerditude. In his domain, he is the greatest scientific mind in the universe. Or at least he likes to think so. However and I can't emphasize this enough, there is a large green tube in the very back of the lab. Touch it, and he has to kill you.

Thing's he's currently working on: Genetic experimentations, teleporter (definite w.i.p.), robotics, bio-engineering, general mad scientry. If there is a project you'd like him to work on, talk to him. Odds are he either knows how or will damn sure find out.

If you read nothing else read this: Doctor Fox is.. strange. He's eccentric and calming and at the same time he can be the weirdest man you've ever met. But don't judge him harshly. He's not here to fight. He's here to love. So keep that in mind ok? Clean or sexual rp.

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Apr 23 / 2012 (08:46 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)