
Deacon is what one would describe as a "hipster" though he doesn't really consider himself as such. Deacon is a demon, though his name also translates to "messenger" or "servant". It's also rather odd that he's a demon since deacons are also clerics/church officers. This Deacon is no such thing. He's often found sporting button up shirts, ties, cardigans, sweaters... Skinny jeans and Converse tennis shoes. His hair is a messy mop starting out as a pale blonde at the top before slowly dimming to a dirty blond at the bottom. He his bright blue eyes and yellow sclera, his tail is long and thin with a puff at the end, his ears are also gauged.

Deacon's demeanor can often come across as sarcastic, though he doesn't really mean to sound that way. He's an extrovert at heart and loves conversing with others. His hobbies include reading, playing pranks and telling jokes. He does swing both ways but often has an affinity for the female variety (or boys that look like girls). Actually, ya know what? This demon has no preference. A hole is a hole in his opinion.

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