Subject:Dastan |
The name Dastan is a Persian name which means either "fairy tale" or "story". I grew up watching Aladdin and just instantly came to have an affinity for Arabain styled stories (though yes I know Persia and Arabia are completely two different cultures). It actually wasn't even until I played "The Two Thrones," the third in the trilogy, did I get into the Prince of Persia, but I fell in love right away. Though I would have appreciated Hollywood going a different route with the casting of the film, it re-ignited that childhood love of the swashbuckling prince and the resourceful, strong willed princess dynamic. As a youngster I also connected with lions on some level I guess and was excited that there's a place like this where I can live that fantasy out to some extent.
last autogenerated at Mon, Dec 20 / 2010 (01:25 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding
by Kobayen (hey, I deserve
some credit!) |