
Sat crosslegged infront of a camera she taps at it afew times, humming some. "There's supposed to be a lig-Ah!" she smiles brightly, the slightly chubby Doberman smiling warmly, dressined in a purple tanktop and black jeans, she shuffles back some to fit in the camera view properly. "Hi there, I'm Danni, I'm making this because I was asked to, hehe, basically I'm looking for afew casual flings, but eventually I'd like to find someone nice.~" she smiled warmly. "Right..."

"My name Is Danni Melbourne, I'm 21 years old, Doberman, female, obviously~" she grins and squishes her breasts together with her arms. "Hmm... I'm 5ft 6... I'm Bi sexual, guess I may aswell go all out, cup size is 34 E, hehe. Hips are 61.5 inches wide round~ Ass is 69.4 inches.~" she winks and giggles. "Not sure what else to say right now...may make another video on my past and stuff...but if you wanna hit me up with a message, lemme know?~"

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Page last autogenerated at Tue, Apr 25 / 2017 (11:58 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)