
Name: Damon 'Diamond'
Species: cursed soul- Fnaf style animatronic: King cobra snake
Sex: 'male' (Subject to change based off parts and guest)
Job; Dancer, Entertainer, Guest satisfaction.
Current owner: Sindy Chastaine

-Basic description-
Height: 5'4
Scent: Flowers, typically roses or lavender.
Mentality: Curious

Hair: White. back is mid shoulder but is split into two down shoulders(Think bunnyears), front is split into three, two plumes framing the face and one between the eyes.
Eyes; Golden.

Skin: Tight but incredibly streatchy 'memory skin', scotole black with dark dull violet chest/belly/lower face, and vibrent purpke undertail and inner hood( Two diamond shapes inner hood with two likes on the bottom corner), Small 'cheek dots' coloured a dull purple on corners of mouth.

Bodyframe-- Feminine male with strong Lithe Swimmer
rump & hips: jiggly thighs and rump
additions: Strong large flexible tail above rump., two golden nub horns.
Basic body info; Damon Diamond's body is using a synthetic flesh coating that is very flexible and can 'fix' its self with simple heat implitation. All parts are removable by someone trained. This allows Damon to be male, female, or any mixture.

Clothing: Silks typically, lightly loose and flowy, easy to remove. Also willing to put on corsets, and other feminine outfits. More then happy to wander naked.

Basic info: A soul bound to animatronic,

Basic human info: Born and raised to adulthood; Vivian 'Viv' Richardson was good for one thing; Dancing his heart out on screen! Be it adult, music video, or movie he loved to dance. Sadly it was ended far too quickly when he was asked to wear a special body suit and head helmet to copy his movements and mental actions to a set of Dancing animatronics; In a bit of stupidity the tech in charge plugged things in wrong, causing the violent execution Of Vivian by electric shock. Well.. Death was too much for him.. Now Damon Diamond is here to stay!

Basic Animatronic info:
When the many Funtime Freddy stores closed down as well as Circus baby's own closing Many whom deal with Animatronics stole some of the original designs, messing with them and updating them for use; One such Company created ' Lady Luvei's Dance and bar.', Where the animatronics were built more for ascetic rather then strength. With light Weight strong modern parts the animatronics were given 'better' coding, leading to Almost no issues in the years L.L's shop was open. It took violent and rowdy people to finally cause an issue with the Lady to 'break down' and attack the customers but seemingly was only against the Violent customer and his friends after they broke one of the animatronics.
But in the end the shop was shut down just in case not realizing the Animatronics were becoming alive over time, thanks to the stolen Aften schematics being used.

Sadly the original owners died from old age, and left upkeep to fall to their family whom abandoned the entire project. By the time the building was sold it was in dire need of repair and only one Animatronic was working with minor repairs; Damon aka 'Diamond', A king cobra styled Humanoid animatronic build for customer work, dancing, and feats of flexibility.

Doc's home; Current house of the owner
Lady Luvei's Dance and Bar; The main home and area Diamond was 'Born'.

Danger; Attacking Damon's home or owner will lead to 'Nightmare Diamond', A state where the otherworldly properties of the animatronic appears, coating them in a shadowy writhing like mass and making the golden eyes glow , Teeth expand to insane amounts and the body looks old, decrepit, and spooky. VERY swift.

Special ability; Watt(!?) - Damon can fit into any place no matter how small even if it defies reality, even 'hide' in electronics which gently glimmers in the dark.(This works by shrinking down or converting himself to sentient electricity), high electricity objects can be controlled( like wires)

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, Jan 09 / 2022 (08:58 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)