
Name: Cory Rosalie Levnaal
name meaning: The Rosen crow that touches another soul.
Species: Hylian (elf-like humans from Zelda)
Sex: Male (shemale as Rosalie)
Job; Plague doctor - Alchemist - 'General health'
Job name; Saint Rosalie
-Basic description-
Height: 4'10
Scent: Herbals, flowers
Mentality: Bubbly, helpful, caring, A bit dumb sometimes.
Hair: Soft red, well cared for & soft, Long mid back irish braid.
Skin: Very pale, Freckled( cheeks, shoulders, hips, ass)
Eyes; Slowly shifting and swirling colours, Oddly no visible pupil
Bodyframe-- Dainty and feminine; Amazonian when as Rosalie
rump & hips: Lithe with slightly wider hips, enough to give very feminine features.
Cock; permanently large due to Rosalie elixir, 10 3/4th inches with heavy sack (gotten used to tucking or using a special 'Thong of holding' to hide it all.) 14 1/2 when as Rosalie.
additions: Jacob ladder's piercings, single tongue piercing. Little rose 'tramp stamp' above rump on lower back.

Important: legs mid thigh down are missing, allowing various prosthetics
~Clothing~ Basic theme; Red breasted robin
Outer wear;
Straight beaked plague mask; made to look like a robin(white with red accents), Lower beak can be removed to expose lips and jaw.
Latex large hood& cloak(with leather version with fur on it for cold days), Black
Leather 'corset' (laces up the sides hidden by backward latching leather flaps.), burnt redbrick with black accents
removable latex dress-skirt. (just above ankles, ruffled looking) Black with Burnt redbrick accents.

Skintight latex bodysuit that stops at the hips( covers throat, chest, crotch, and some of ass.) Burnt red brick with black accents
Thigh-high leather Hoof-Boots made to look like bird legs holding onto the shoe with laces on back of the legs, a small Lock on the top to keep them on. Black with Burnt redbrick accents
Leather long gloves, Black with Burnt redbrick accents

Non-work clothing; Small Glasses, thigh high socks, Lacy undergarments, long silky nightties
Alchemy; various herbals, potions, and salves useful in many ways & various effects.

Doctor's orders; His eyes are -very- hypnotic if looked into, the effect is small normally just enough to get seriousness and orders known. But if actively using it, it can temporarily cause memory loss of the entire time your under his control.

Saint Rosalie; A Dr jeckal-mr hyde type issue. If highly dominant feeling and aroused, the Alter ego of the doctor pushed to the front, forcing his body to expand to near eight foot three inches, almost amazonian woman with a very dominant personality. (Only changes being he becomes an amazonian shemale of same colours, and give G cup breasts.) Rosalie is superhuman in strength and speed with very strong durability.

Piercings; One half of an enchanted set; while not powdered they do have effects when one of his elixirs is used to power it anything from; changing sex, making vibrations, electricity, or size changes.

Home; The Cart
An very large Gypsy style cart with one side that can open up into a Mobile Stall. The cart itself is split into two parts; Workshop-Stall & home. The home is comfy and slightly large inside then outside due to a lot of effort. It comes complete with bathroom, shower, bedroom, and kitchen.
The workshop half of it is big as well but is more limited due to the objects used and stored there for selling.

Special ability; Voodoo Doll
Can turn into a Voodoo doll of themselves, this doll is useless without attunement(other then looking fucking adorable).
After being attuned (Which is in sight of the doll/user OR by having an item/thing belonging to the person) The doll turns into a Voodoo doll version of the person effected. The attuned then is effected by anything done to the doll; movement, sex, spells, curses, potions. Anything that isn't 'auto death' can be done.
While in this form Cory cannot be damaged permanently and actually can steal energy, mana, or life energy from the Attuned to fuel themselves over time.
This can only effect one person at a time unless the person effected has; A perfect twin, clones, or magical constructs of themselves. (So that 400+ minions who are all the same person? technically can be effected all at once.)
Cory can use -some- of the magic from the voodoo doll as a normal person, typically by attuning to someone first and then causing pinches, pricks, back luck when nearby, and senses sharing( like looking through the atuned eyes, or making the attuned feel what Cory feels.)

note; this all can be translated to Cyberpunk style as a abnormally strong hacking ability to effect VR and the mind/body.

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