Name: Copper!
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Inuboy (Half-human/half-husky hybrid)
Orientation: Pansexual, strong female preference
Switch, predominantly dominant/submissive top
Occupation: Breeder
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 148 lbs.
Body Type: Lean
Hair: White with lime green tips
Eyes: Lime green, same as the tips of his hair
Type: Canine w/sheath (Sheath, balls, happy trail, and taint are short, white fur, tailhole hairless.)
Length: 7.75"
Width: 2"
Knot: 2.75"
Head: Fedora, sunglasses
Neck: Collar (Black, green tribal markings)
Torso: 'A' shirt (Black, green trim)
Wrists: L: Digital watch (Black, green display)
R: Chain link bracelet (Orange/silver links)
Legs: Cargo shorts (Black, green trim)
Feet: Digitigrade combat boots (black leather, neon green laces)
Left hip: Sig Sauer P220 Elite handgun with nylon holster(Black with green stitching)
He always wears this outfit, no matter what. Unless he's fucking someone, of course, but that doesn't count.
The Copper:
What makes up Copper? Husky genes spliced into a human fetus creating a bizarre mix of features from both species. His body is mainly human in design with a few key differences. First of all, starting from the top, he has two husky ears perched on top of his head in addition to his two human ears, giving him an extremely acute sense of hearing. Secondly, he has a tail. A husky tail. It has the typical husky markings and distinctive curl to it. Last but not least, he has digitigrade legs and husky foot-paws, pure white with black claws. The only place on his body with actual fur would be his legs below the knees, on his tail but stopping at the base with only a small trail going up his spine about two inches, his arms from the elbows down, and on his canine ears.
Copper (this fine fellow here) is a fairly laid back kind of guy, relatively mild mannered. He generally doesn't give a shit about much of anything, only speaking out against someone when he feels insulted. He's also quite against violence but always carries around his trust Sig, just in case his life is in danger. He's also quite a sexual person, willing to hump just about anyone as long as they tickle his fancy (and maybe his balls *-winkwink-*).
P.S. Not really a fan of threesomes... Too high a chance of someone gettin' left out.
The gun:
Sig Sauer homepage.

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