
(Quick stuff, since this has gotten deleted like thee times now.)
Name: Clay Jennings
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 159 lbs
Species: Doberman
Sexuality: Bisexual

Clay Jennings is a very friendly and gregarious Doberman that hails from the oh so interesting state of South Dakota. Unlike some of the more common of his breed, Clay isn't an incredibly aggressive meathead. He is a photography and video student, primarily, with a part time waiting job. Incredibly interesting, right? While his life may not necessarily be filled with magic, muscles and wild, outrageous eroticism, Clay is a storyteller by nature, and loves to tell long, exaggerated tales of his "adventures" and "feats."

As far as appearances go, Clay isn't a huge guy. Average height with a thin frame conducive to a track and field competitor in high school. His hair is usually done up pretty nicely, but thats a matter of preference. He does have piercings, however: Both ears have large-ish labret studs, his lower lip has a ring, his tongue has a round stud and his left nipple has a ring.

Clay wears a thick chain necklace at all times. It is sentimental, and he would respond quite negatively were it stolen and/or broken.

He may seem boring at first, but get to know the kid. He probably already likes you.

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Clay, perhaps in a little over his head.

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