Height: 5'11"
Fur: Dark chocolate brown with a darker tuft upon his chest
Eyes: Rich hazel, often changing colors based on his mood
Attire: Stylish, short dress boots, pinstripe slacks, white cotton dress shirt, dark vest with crimson fillegre, suspenders, long military duster, goggles, pocketwatch, leather riding gloves, derby
Past: Born in northern Washington state to French Canadian parents, he spent his youth as any other normal child would, until a fateful car accident. His parents were both left comatose. Only through several miracles of modern science was he able to be saved, the surgeons forced to replace his heart, a lung, several ribs, his left arm and hip, a portion of his liver and a kidney with biomechanical components. After grafting cloned skin over his new body parts, he was able to return to his everyday life, though nothing was ever quite the same. His new body parts process differently than the originals, reducing the production of oxygen radicals throughout his physiology, preventing him from aging as quickly and allowing him to heal much faster from wounds.
His biomechanical limbs allow him some increased strength and greatly increased dexterity, however not to a superb extent. He uses his abilities to create brilliant works of sculpture and cabinetry, recently spending a great deal of time becoming an apprentice blacksmith, the process leaving a nearly permanent stain of soot and pitch in several spots on his fur.
More to be added later.