
Christina Blood is a character I have had for many many years. I have even begun writing a book about her. She is a vampire (human, by the way), but she is not evil. Sired by one Zedkiel, she was taught that humans were to be protected. (More below)

Please note I am not looking for sexual RP so please do not even bother to ask me for it. I have my own personal reasons and arguing with me about it will get you no where.

Name: Christina Blood
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Vampiric human
Sire: Zedkiel Blood
Appearance: Long burgundy-red hair with deep red eyes. Her skin is very pale and she usually wears dark make-up and bright red lipstick. She also wears black and a deep royal purple trench coat over a silk black shirt with dark purple rims, and black pants tucked into knee-high leather tie-up gothic boots. She is also seen usually carrying a sword on her hip, no matter what time period she is in. In modern times she can be seen carrying several custom guns.

Brief History:

She was born during one of the plagues that struck Europe - before electricity and vast medical knowledge was known about. She was born into a family with a high name, and her Uncle was the Mayor to a local town. However, the disease hit fast and the entire town was plagued..people were dropping like flies and her family, the De'Xervias, were cornered in their homes..afraid to leave. Then, a group of people entered the town...and the dying and dead were removed. The disease was beginning to fade, slowly. However, those who were dying - they were often times found several miles outside of the town with their blood drained. It didn't bother the townspeople at first...because they were dying anyway. However, something happened.

A rogue in the new group of people took some of his followers and began feeding on the healthy people. The townspeople erupted in outrage and the Mayor was forced to address the leader of the original group, Zedkiel. He was asked to dispose of those rogues or risk execution. Zedkiel ended up doing so, and chased out the rogues. It was only soon after that Zedkiel met Christina's father - and soon after, her. He took an immediate liking to her - but did not kidnap her like most would think.

Several days passed and Christina contracted the disease. Her cough was getting so bad she was locked in her room at all times with barely any visitors. Then, Christina left her home to prevent the rest of her family from catching it. She was weak and dying and she knew it. She collapsed in an alleyway, only to be found by Zedkiel who offered her a cure.

It was then that he took her back to his temporary home and explained to her what exactly she was putting herself through. He told her if she turned up evil, he would kill her. If she betrayed him, he would kill her. She was swearing away her soul to live on beautiful and immortal, but she had a price to pay. She would have to die once, and train beneath him to help protect the name of his kind. He was one of the first pure ones, changed by a Goddess herself from Ancient times during one of the very first civilizations. He was the boy who aided kings - and was chosen for a fate once couldn't dream of.

Christina, though slowly fading away, understood everything and so she took her oath and she was turned. (Make a note that Zedkiel is definitely a vampire, but not the typical kind. He can walk in the daylight and survive without drinking. He was originally created BY a goddess. Zedkiel had only sired maybe a few vampires in his life, all of which are dormant or dead - but all are equally good and are there to protect humans...but that's another story for a later time). She died, of course, but she was brought back moments later to a new life.

A new life that didn't involve her family..who betrayed both Zedkiel and her the moment they found out she had given up her soul to remain alive. She was banished and disowned, but no matter how much that hurt..she had Zedkiel. Oddly enough, it was months later after she was turned that the disease hit hard again. The town had been ravaged to the point of being non-existant, and the Mayor himself asked Zedkiel and the reamining 'good vampires' to help escort the people to a certain city which had a possible cure for the disease. Unfortunately, those rogue vampires were outside of the town..picking off stragglers or those weak no matter what Zedkiel and the others did.

Zedkiel and the others agreed, and though Christina's family did not want to cooperate..they did. By now Christina had given up her mortal looks and embraced the dark beauty of a Nightwalker.This helped her family get over the fact she wasn't their own anymore..and though they wouldn't admit it, they admired her.

For several hundred years, Christina roamed with Zedkiel. She learned his ways, was taught everything she could learn. And then, it came down to Zedkiel's time of dormant rest. It was hard, but Zedkiel assured her that she was ready to begin her own life. She was no longer an apprentice, but a Master of sorts. It was time that she fulfilled his Legacy while he entered his dormant sleep for however long he needed. They split ways, and Christina set out into the world alone.

Over the years Christina noticed that vampires were beginning to change. Different types were sprouting up - including the worst ones, known as mongrels. Mongrels were literally just short of being rabid wolves. They were human, but the only thing they had was the instinct to survive and to eat. They were found in packs with a leader, and acted as such. They had no human traits, no emotions, no personality, no intelligence but to hunt. They would eat actual flesh, not just drink their blood, and ravage their victims with no mercy. Unfortunately, if you were bit by one and survived - it would only be a matter of weeks before you became a mongrel yourself.

Lurkers were another big problem...if a person was turned properly - if that person had a single ounce of evil in them, the change would make them snap into insanity and become often times - a pure evil monster. They had all the intelligence of a smart human - and the strength of many men. The worst of which was a mistake on Christina's behalf...There was a man who she thought was one of the purest of all that she had dealt with. He too was dying of a sickness and Christina felt compelled to take him as an apprentice. This man's name was Lurike, and it proved to be her biggest mistake. What she didn't know is that he had dark secrets that were hidden away from years but grew in size...and when he turned? It was only a matter of days before he became insane and ran away.

Since then, Christina's arch-nemesis has been Lurike. He has gained strength since he was first changed and is always finding ways to attack his sire in order to kill her. Each time however, Christina gets the better of him and he runs away again only to return later on.

But there weren't just Lurkers and mongrels, no...there were various other sorts. Good vampires were scarce to the point that Christina remembered them all by name. The others ranged in status, however, and most of them had enough intelligence to stay low. The problem layed heavily on the mongrels though...cities were being overrun by them. There were certain parts of the world where humans became extinct and the mongrels were getting worse. Christina even became sponsored by various Government AGencies to help eradicate those mongrels. She was known as a "Good Vampire"..one of the few that worked for the Government anyway. It was her job to try to wipe out as many cities as she could by taking out the mongrels. She was given plenty of money, ammo, and supplies.

And here we are today. She has cleared out several cities, and is moving on to the next. She is taking a break from working for the Government though, because she has decided it is time for her to find Zedkiel and try to awaken him. Things have gotten severely out of hand in certain parts of her world, and she needs help. With Lurike constantly after her, it is making things difficult..and to top things off, she absolutely refuses to sire anyone ever again..not after her failure with Lurike.


EVERYTHING I have written is (C) to me. It is part of the book I am writing and if you steal it, I have grounds to take action. I have spent hours and days working on research and trying to get things to flow and this is what has happened so far. I have merely given a brief summary, but it is all mine. I have also done tons of historical research for Zedkiel's past, which was briefly mentioned. Please do not steal or use any of this information outside of the rps with me.

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