
Meet Chase Maverick.

He's a typical 20 year old otter with a passion for knowledge and is constantly high on life. Raised by his father Tobar and his mother Riana, Chase has always been a very social fellow, though at times he can be a little bit of a nerd.

Still, he does try his best and he's almot always on the hunt for adventure, whether it's in the form of actual adventure or some sort of a sexual conquest, so to speak. Chase's fur is mostly beige, with spots of a darker brown mixed in as well, along with a mix of the two colors making up what could loosely be referred to as 'hair', when in actuality, it'd just be his headfur.

He tries to be a gentleman whenever he can, but there are times where that his manners can be forgotten due to being...well, just a horny otter! So if you wanna know more about Chase, then all you have to do is just feel free to stop by and say hello!

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Jul 03 / 2019 (10:24 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)