
Cadence was the type of guy that could go on a date with someone, and they'd only find out he was a guy when the pants were down, but was also the type of guy that by that point, straight or not, they went ahead anyways~ he'd been changing up his look since he was a young kid, he wasn't transgender or anything, just got a kick out of making people think he was a girl.

Cadence was originally born Cameron Swanson, he grew up in the suburbs with plenty of friends and family, school wasn't hard, he wasn't picked on really, teasing here and there is normal in school and he just kept on being him, though being him was soon to change meaning, when he was 14 he was with two friends he met about a year before, sat at one of their houses they were joking about playing games and the like, then a wager was made that who ever scored the lowest in Mario party had to dress up in his friend's sister's clothing, Cameron lost and was mortified, as he put everything on he realised something else, he was rock hard, looking at himself in the mirror he cooed, grinning he stepped out to meet his two friends, looks of shock and confusion on their faces, unsure what to say he just giggled and blew a kiss, after that he kept on dressing up like this, walking about freely he loved how guys thought he was someone different, when he was 16 is when he lost his virginity, a teacher wanted him for how he looked, but as soon as it was brought to light he was a guy, that set the man off, holding him after school they went at it like rabbits, funnily enough Cadence playing Pitcher most times~ now you can find him out and about in some sort of naughty dress or skirt, feel free to hit him up with a request~ (WiP)

Age: 19

Species: Chipmunk

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual heavily male leaning preference

Height: 5ft 8




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