
Bubble was an odd little kangaroo, he looked quite young, being only two feet tall, he was hardly the size of a toddler. Though younger than that, it hardly mattered. The roo was artificial, a candy creation inded to make candy automatically. He appeared as a two foot tall pink kangaroo with a pouch and an endless grin on his face.

The roo had some special attributes, the first was his essence. It was mostly noticable when he opened his mouth, saliva replaced by a pink candy goo. All of his fluids were such, some thicker than others. The roo was stretchy as well, despite still being solid, his skin wasn't far from being bubblegum itself, tasting of it and stretching in the same manner.

His most notable ability was the production of candy and small toys. Anything ingested into his body would be pushed out as a hardshell candy egg, sometimes solid, sometimes containing more candy or small toys. He didn't always like being "pregnant" so he avoided eating. Of course, one fluid in his system seemed more potent than others.

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