
Bogkun is a weredoggy, though you'll almost never see his human form. He is a golden retriever that is a little over six feet tall and is fairly skinny, though he has some decent muscle tone. Even though he doesn't look the part, he tends to act like a puppy and will often refer to himself as such. He is designed to be as cute and loving as possible and will try his best to make everyone around him happy. He does like a good yiff every so often. There is a warning that goes with doing the naughty with him though, everything he eats tends to go to making cum, so whoever happens to try to do the nasty with him will end up getting pretty bloated by the end of it. He loves his mate, Charial, with every ounce of his being and would do anything just to see a smile on her face.

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Page last autogenerated at Sat, Jun 20 / 2009 (10:03 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)