Bloodcat is a white human female paladan, 5' 9", short blonde hair, camo armour, a Holy Avenger (this allows her to go a LOT faster than usual, but yuo have to whisper to it a password), two spears, a long bow
(painted red), a fanged helmet, 25 diamond tipped arrows, three poisen tipped daggers, a castle style sheild, made of mythril
and black/red dragon scales with cat painting on it, and a werewolf whistle.
She is recently matured and is on the search for a PERMANENT mate.
She have the unique ability to turn her body into a metalic liquid and cure all wounds, poisens, disieses, and broken bones
(can only do this once a day). She also has a small medkit.
She is the leader of a clan of werewolves and just started an allying clan called the Bloodcat Clan.
About 5 years ago a small clan of feline raiders attacked her hometown, all but bloodcat and her freind stood to fight he was
killed, and she was beaten. A small group of paladans saved her from this threat and tought her how to fight. from this
point on she has been looking for her family.
She is always on the lookout for potential enemies. But she does not give her trust lightly. You have to do a lot to gain her
trust. No one, but her parents who fled, had her trust.
Her most hated enemies are Demons, Magic users, Theives, and cat people.
Normal swing, self-explanatory.
Broad swing, hit all enemies around Her.
Sweep attack, have so many extra swings for each level of this skill she gets an additional attack. Now level 2
Stab, take any object and place it into an enemy.
Draw & shoot, take and shoot an arrow.
Throw, take a small object and throw it.
Throw 2, take a medium or large object and throw it into enemy.
knock out kick, place foot(or knee) into chin.
fist fighting, self-explanatory.
Psyonic attacks
Matter ball, A small amount of dark matter appears out of nowhere and is thrown at an enemy.
Control, self-explanatory.
Block, She has the unique abillity to block all attacks (including mental) with a dark matter sheild.