Age:42 Frederick Cavenaugh, oft called Red is a friendly gentleman with a bit of a gruff manner and a lazy cockney English accent that makes him sound not quite as intelligent as he is, which bothers him at times. Life has been boring for him, if not kind, and so he's used to getting his way. That doesn't so much mean that he's pushy, but rather he can't be forced to do anything he's not interested in. Hobbies include ironworking, reading, fine cordials, and steakhouses.
Standing at only 5'8'' he is quite wide, his ruddy coat filled out with smooth muscle, telling of the strength he's had and used for decades, just, smoothed out with the result of living a comfortable life outside of work. His hands and feet are tan, large and very strong, notably his hands which may be a bit calloused. Hey, bein' a blacksmith is not conducive to having babysoft hands. His shoulders are quite broad, his chest is strong but his stomach...well, there's a six pack under there....Sharp cropped ears, one with a small golden ring, and a short, stubby tail. His head is shaven of his dark hair that covers his skull with a fuzz, the sideburns and the scruff on his chin tinged with grey. He oft wears small, circular glasses on the sharply arched bridge of his nose, as he enjoys reading. As for the nether regions, well, you can imagine. Keep the nickname in mind.
Old crappy pictures where he's not big enough! Yay!
Best so far!