
Beth is a human girl who somehow wandered here from an alternate dimension where humans are a bit more common. She is 18, with light brown hair that reaches her shoulders. Not quite slim, she is of average build, maybe a little curvier than normal. Her skin is somewhat on the pale side, as it doesn't hold a tan very well. She has a few freckles on her shoulders and on the bridge of her nose. When she's out exploring, she wears a dark green T-shirt, brown shorts, and hiking boots, but she usually wears a green one-piece swimsuit when she visits the Tub. She also wears her half of a friendship bracelet given to her by Lucretia, and a ruby given to her by Dracon. The ruby has been set into a metal collar made by Malissa.

Beth likes being outdoors and traveling to new places. Her second favorite thing to do is watch movies. She can appreciate great movies, but really, spectacularly awful movies have a special place in her heart.

Sexually speaking, Beth is somewhat reserved; she won't fool around with anyone at the drop of a hat, but she'll give anyone a chance if they're nice to her. She has mostly been with males but is open to experimenting with females and miscellaneous.

Beth sometimes reacts strangely to furs in this world. She has found that her body changes to take on some of the features of the last creature she's had intimate contact with. At the moment, though, she's fully human.

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, Oct 04 / 2009 (06:03 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)