
Name: Belu'thai'gthen Ma'fel'dtha Ba'fa'letho (Belu for short)
Gender: Male

Can change size at will but is usually around 5 foot tall, weight varies with size. Does not speak english well, mostly in broken sentences while speaking in third person. Wears simple loincloth when out of water, but generally nude while in it.

Webbed fingers and toes, fins on forearms, calves, back, tail, and head like a fish. Smells of the sea with just a hint of sulfur like a struck match.

(Looks very similar to https://e621.net/post/show/542570/ (NSFW) but the white is electric blue and the blue is a deep crimson, his skin and the inside of his fins are a bright yellow, eyes are a bright, glowing red.)

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Aug 17 / 2015 (01:45 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)