
Before you stands a Humanoid being. He appeared to be about 5'8'' in heigth, 190 Pounds roughyl in weight. His skin was a light tone, eyes crystal blue, hair Straight blonde, face smoothe and barren of hair. and what was this? Pointy ears? Slender physique? This being was a Half-elf. He stood Clad in full plate armor, covering was a tabard with a Red cross upon it. in his right hand was his longsword, left his heavy steel shield, his lips were barely moving, you could hear the faint chants of a religious warrior. his poise was Courageous his mind noble, and his heart Gold. He is Barda.

Barda is a Half-elf Paladin with a dark background. As a child, his village was ravaged by a dark evil, that slaughtered and mutilated all of his friends and family. Slowly the bone devil had begun to approach him, and just as he saw his life fly before his eyes, he blinked. With a loud thud, a warrior fully clad in plate, from head to toe, landed between him and the creature. The warrior began Chanting praises to the light, exclaiming some sort of religious verses as he fought. FLASH! a bright light blinded the child, and the vile creature that was the bone devil layed gutted in front of the child. The warrior was nowhere to be found, only his Tabard remained, caught on a nearby branch. 'twas that day that the child left his village, seeking out a religious center, determied to become a Warrior of light like the man that saved his life. Through years of rigorous training and religious exercises, he is the paladin he is today, wearing the very Tabard of the man who saved him.

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Page last autogenerated at Tue, Oct 26 / 2010 (08:59 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)