You feel rather disturbed as that creature enters the room. Eyes looking as if they were orbs of molten gold, slightly glowing, very small black pupils following every single movement in the room.
The creature stands at 9 feet, crimson red fur covering his somewhat feral frame. It moves on all fours with sobrenatural fluidity, as if his body was made of liquid fire, as if the creature found a way to defeat gravity. Stepping graciously across the room as he crosses it, moving around everyone else, swaying away from any obstacle on it's path with sobrenatural grace as it reaches an empty couch.
The intriguing creature has no wings, nothing but his eyes and horns could give away that its not just another creature between so many others. It's fur seems absurdly silky and well groomed, moving along with any air current that grazes it, giving the impression that the creature is allways in movement, even when it's completely motionless. The long, draconic-ish tail is usually swaying and curling as if it had its own mind, and looking rather impatient.
A thick mane covers it's neck, the fur showing some traits of golden between the crimson red that matches the rest of his body, except for a few markings on it's arms, shoulders and chest, which are the same golden-ish tonality that one found on the mane. The golden fur mixing with the red in perfect harmony, making it look like it was made of molten metal with colder and hotter spots all over the beast's front.
His face is somewhat bestial, with razor sharp, porcelain-white teeth adorning his maw, giving the creature a menacing look whenever it shows them, the ears are not visible as they are covered completely by the mane, and the only noticeable sign of them is a flutter of the fur when they perk or flick.
A pair of horns adorning his head gives away his real nature: He is a demon.
As far as personality goes, he is rather quiet and likes to observe others, prefering to be another expectator rather than take part on any discussion. His voice is somewhat unnatural, sounding like it has a low echo in every word, nearly unnoticeable, but still giving his voice a rather unique, reverberating sound.
The demon is fairly shy, so the quiet act is not only appearance, but also part of his personality. Being unused to intimacy, he finds physical contact a little uncomfortable at first, but in his demonic heart he loves being caressed as if he were an overgrown, exotic puppy.
Still, the demon is intrigued by the feeling mortals call love. He never had a taste of it, being used only to the carnal relations only, and growing rather tired of it. He has seen mortals melt in affection for eachother and still has never been capable of feeling anything alike, a feeling so powerfull it makes all his dark arts look like gimmicks and cheap tricks.
He accepted the fact that he is a demon, and believes that he should never change what he really is, his personality is peacefull and reserved, given that he had his share of what the other demons oftenly call the "true demonic life" and found it senseless, disturbing and barbaric, maybe too barbaric for him.
He is not adept to the extreme depravity, carnage, violence or corruption like his kind seems to be. He is far more complex than the simple evil that other demons claim to be, acting to his whims and needs only, never allowing anything but himself affect his choices and attitudes.
His past is a mystery. Balirith made his way out of the pit to escape the eternal damnation he was bound to suffer, but the escape cost his memories of all his previous lives, as now all that is left are his powers and his name, nothing more.
Name: Balirith
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Turn-offs: Anything too extreme, even being a demon, he does not consider himself depraved like others of his kind, he adores seduction, but still has a lot to discover when it comes to what he likes or dislikes.