
ok.. lets get this over with...

1-Im lazy, so i will tipe wrong, get used

2-Im not from any english speaking country, so ill forget some words.. get used to that too

3-ok, descriptions and stuff, Im a black furred, red eyed, bad tempered, skinny though alitle muscular bunny

4-things i like: ... there are few things i like... though if you MUST know.. i like messing whith people smaller than me.. specialy cute boys... specially with sexual intentions...(grin)

5-things i dislike: you.. probably... or maybe not... prove me wrong... dare you to (grin.. again)

6-peoples i certainly dislike: Bunn boy

7-sexuality: bisexual.. whith preference for cute boys

thats it... get outa here

Editing the Description: input the right password and

Page last autogenerated at Fri, Mar 02 / 2007 (08:59 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)