
He is a short feline, no more than five feet tall if anything. His short stature and build give him the look of someone much younger than he really is. His child like attitude and sometimes shyness don't help in that area either. Though he may be shy, he is far from unfriendly. He can even get a bit too gabby if he is comfortable and excited enough.

He is covered in a thick but short layer of greenm fur, making him look a bit odd for a small feline. To add to his strange look, if inspected closer, his teeth all have a slightly steeper point to them than most felines. Behind the teeth though is probably the strangest thing, his tounge, which is rough as a felines, but longer and thinner. Other things might be observed diffrent, but that you will have to figure out on your own. He doesn't seem to realize his diffrences, or if he does, he chooses to ignore them, acting like the smallish kitty that he is.

Other than the green fur, his apperiance is perfectly normal. His body is toned, but by no means muscular. His long furry tail swishes around behind him, often with a mind of its own. His green eyes are quite often full of good humor and a opptimistic look, though he can get overwhelmed and scared at times, he often trys to find a place of comfort so that he can feel at peace.

He often wanders around in the buff, feeling the most comfortable in the buff. His tight rear and wiggly tail can be seen as he walks by, but only a sheath can be seen on his front side. Though that, like his fur, looks a bit out of place, as if the size just doesn't fit with his body.

Come say hello if you'd like, he is usualy very friendly, if not shy at times. Hopefully you will see him aorund the tub more often.

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