a 4-tailed kitsune, aryx is very unsure of himself around strangers so he is very silent, choosing to watch and listen instead, he has large fennec ears tipped in acid green, though there are almost always covered by his hood, little more beside his eyes glowing underneath, and the tip of his snout visable underneath
his 4 tails are each tipped in acid green as well, making it look as if they were dipped in something at somepoint
if you manage to get his hood off underneath you will find his velvety fur covered face, and shoulder length jet black hair usuall tied in a pony tail, standing at 7' 6" he can be quite menacing cause of his size, and the look of his build, but he is a teddy bear inside, and infact quite light for his size, his fluffy fur makes him seem quite a bit bigger then he is, though he is very fit for his size
on occasion his tail tips and ear tips can change the color of the glow they emit, and its usually based off mood, his eyes will also change, but a ring of the acid green will always be visable around the outside of what ever color the eyes currantly are
if one gets close enough to him to smell, he smells very lightly of sweets, followed by a vaguely floral scent
mates: none
family: 7 kids
-Sebastian "Seba" (male winged vulpine)- lumineciant white wings with acid green feather ridges, golden fur with green belly fur from under jaw to groin, all fleshy bits glow acid green has long narrow ears with tuffs of fur at the end, ears and tail tips glow,glowing acid green eyes, and dark green tuff of hair tips glowing acid green BD: 2/10/13
-Lukas "Luka" (male winged leopard)- black wings with glowing cerulean feather ridges, has black fur with black rosettes, ears and tail tips glow dark cerulean, eyes and fleshy bits glow cerulean, has a little crop of red hair tips glow cerulean, BD: 2/10/13
-Abigail "Abbs" (female leopard)- golden fur with dark purple rosettes, fleshy bits and eyes glow bright purple, hair is dark purple with glowing bright purple tips, ears and tail tip glow bright purple, BD: 2/10/13
-Kaylee "Kay" (female vulpine)- Black fur with golden fur from her under her jaw down her throat to groin, fleshy bits and eyes glow gold, ear an tail tips glow gold, ears are long narrow with tuffs at the end, hair is dark gold with glowing gold tips, BD: 2/10/13
-Penelope "Penny" (female wing leopard)- black fur with pearlecenst rosettes starting from red at the top rainbowing down to violet on her paws, one eye red and one eye violet, long ears with glowing tuffs, mouth glows green, hair red, her nethers glow violet, nipples yellow/green, her wings are black with red on the outside rainbowing into violet, BD: 2/10/13
-Leonardo "Leo" and David (twin werewolves) black fur with glowing both reddish golden fleshy bits and eyes, BD: 2/10/13
if anyone wants to contact me off of chat
steam: mystic_kitsune_sage
Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results Warmth | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Intellect | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Emotional Stability | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||| | 38% | Liveliness | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 86% | Dutifulness | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Social Assertiveness | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Paranoia | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Abstractness | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Introversion | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 86% | Anxiety | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Openmindedness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Independence | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Perfectionism | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Tension | |||||||||||| | 38% | |
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