
She's decently tall at a glance, standing at a full on 6'2". Taller than some, though not the tallest around. She's one of the few of her kind to visit the land, though most would easily see her as just another elf. First off, her skin is tan. Not dark, like that of a drow, but sun-beaten, firm by the looks of it, and probably firm to the touch as well.
Looking to her head, you can see that her hair is done in several very loose and natural looking bangs that spill down her shoulders a bit here and there, as well as occasionally concealing her eyes from view. The color of her hair, is a soft silver, not white, but darker, and it seems to shimmer. Her eyes themselves, are a crystalline sky blue, and her lashes softly criss-cross along each other perfectly when her eyes close. She has high cheekbones, typical of elves, but her face has a smooth and rounded look to it.
She's often wearing a smile, her lips are not quite thin, but not overly thick either, a softer tone, naturally pink without any aid of makeup or the like upon her, and when she smiles, you can see that she has pristinely clean teeth. Looking further down her body you can see that she wears a golden necklace, it's fashioned in a style similar to Egyptian and Indian traditions, several lengths of gold chain, with pairs of chimes on them, the chimes about 1 and 1/2 inches long and only about as thick as half a pencil width, they hang down around her neck, and jingle softly with any movement she makes.
Further down, her Khaki top is somewhat exotic. Her breasts are well covered, and the cloth goes up to a string looped around her neck, and the cloth is wrapped around her waist, her breasts are held up within the silk, and the definition of them is both enhanced, but modest. There's no hint at all of her nipples through the fabric, but the outline of her breasts is generous, and one might guess that she's an upper C cup.
From behind, her top is tied just behind her neck by a cloth string, and lower by a loose knot in the fabric, leaving her shoulder-blades and most of her back very well exposed, giving a delicious look at how well muscled and built she is, while at the same time keeping her quite modest. Her top does, however, only go down just under her bustline.
You can see her firm smooth belly, from the front, and if you took a gander from behind, her firm lower back as well, hints of her backbone visible down to the portion of her flesh that is hidden by a golden belt, holding up a very long, and flowing skirt to her hips. It's a wrap around styled skirt, light pink, with a trim around it bearing a triangle pattern that alternates between red and black. Her skirt goes all the way down to her ankles, and quite often, you can see her feet, bare of any coverings at all.

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Page last autogenerated at Sat, Jan 01 / 2011 (09:56 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)