
Model #109674
Name: Ara
Sex: Female
Height: 5 ft 9in
Age: Unkown
Species: Fox


Ara is model # 109674 She is the first of our product line to have the adult programing in her. She is able to do sexual deeds. Aslong as the user uses the right passcodes. NOw for the passcodes they will be coded. So a simple "101001010" Is not gunna work. It will change from number to password. Now to get these. You are gunna have to pay. In other words. This android is a top of the line hooker as you would call it. Ara is not your average android, she has feelings and does get scared. She is unsure of her strengt though. She tends to be alittle submissive. When ever she is around males that is. most of the time when she is with a female...she tends to get alitte dominate. She doesn;t mind males just as long as they don't damager her software. Ara doesn;t mind to be others toy or cuddle, she is just an android to be used for others to do what evber they like. So enjoy Model # 109674.
French maid mode

Armour mode

Editing the Description: input the right password and

Page last autogenerated at Thu, Jul 22 / 2010 (09:43 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)