
Some basic information regarding Anthyl.

Name: Anthyl Xethal Givre
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Unknown/ Dominant
Species: Coatl
Job Description: Commander, Necromancer, Spellcaster

Anthyl can be very harsh and very cold - even towards those he associates with. He is the Commander of his own army, however he follows no King or "ruler". He in fact, associates as a "Commander for Hire". He is not evil nor good and usually remains completely neutral until his services are bought.

He is typically seen floating around on his giant antler throne. Following him and obeying every order of his is his flesh golem whom he made himself. Unless he is at War or it is called for, his army is usually never present. However he does have several servants he will call upon at any given time.

He does not have a mate. He does keep pets and slaves. Though being very cold, he does take rather good care of his 'property' despite being what he is. Slaves are treated as slaves however - as they are often times prisoners of war. His pets, however, are usually free to do as they please whenever Anthyl isn't in need of them.

Currently he has no claimed pets - though he does have several slaves that he keeps at his mansion.

He can be a dick. He does not cuddle or hug. If he wants something he won't beat around the bush. He will not submit to anyone.

He has recently (as of 6/24) taken on an Apprentice, Kali, In exchange for teaching her his ways and magic, he will learn of her realm and their magic.


Picture by Caccia from FA. A friend of mine bought me this character.


Done by xitrix on FA. This is Anthyl featured in his floating antler throne.


Image done by DeathjokerArt also from FA. This is Anthyl's Commander uniform/armor. Pictured with him is his "Flesh Golem" servant whom has no name.

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