
Before you stands an elephant, roughly 7 feet tall, though she is anything but fat. She has a thicker frame, though, it has been trained for many years in the art of belly dancing. Her skin is rather different from others of her kind, for it isn't riddled with wrinkles, it's rather smooth and soft to the touch. She has deep brown eyes that are framed with long eyelashes that brush her cheeks when she blinks. The elephant's hair is that of a radiant red, very rare in her native country. It's long, reaching the small of her back and naturally wavy. Her traditional attire is that of a sari or traditional belly dancing outfit. She wears many bangles and rings, loving silver jewelery. Her outfits are usually dripping with silver beads dangling from the hems. She is very shy, though once she gets to know you, she will open up. She is still very lively and young at heart. She loves to write, read, cook and take photos. If there is anything else you would like to know, please ask her, she will be more then welcome to answer and possibly add it here for future reference.

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Aug 13 / 2009 (07:37 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)