
Before you stands a red vixen with a wicked smile on her face. You can tell by hir accent that shi isn't from America, but someone in Europe. She wears a lab coat on occasions and usually has different kins of chemicals to alter physical traits. Although she does like to change herself at times, she would love to experiment on willing furs. She is a full herm meaning she has the complete package of both male and female parts. Shi mostly enjoys the art's, so if you want to impress hir, try with music.

Is whisper friendly and highly encourages it, but just don't show up saying hello, hi, or let's yiff. Put a little effort into it. Is tri (Of course) and if she's on her, she's feeling yiffy.

Kinks: Will do everything, and that means EVERYTHING. (Ask if your not sure)

Thanks to her mate Equine_God, her breast are now a bit bigger and the same is with her cock. Her milk is special now, accounting that anyone that drinks it becomes weak and extremely yiffy.

Oh, and if you want a go at her she is a mad scientist, meaning if you want on her bed, it will be lab bed, with you getting a thorough examine.

She is mostly dominate, so if you try to take control of hir prepare for a fight with a strong will.

The basis of Angelica's look

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Apr 26 / 2006 (10:44 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)