
Name: AJ
Specices: Wolf human hybrid
Preferacne: Bi-sexual
Height: 5'"5 ft
Weight: 180

He is a normal anthro wolf covered in black fur except for his head fur which is a deep Crimson Red, his eyes are icy blue.

Normally wearing his Black Tee-Shirt and a simple pair of jeans, only thing of real intrest is the Caribener, on his belt loop which holds all his keys and a climbing Cord that hangs down past his knees.

he enjoys spending time with all sexes, and really dosen't think of them when in the heat of the moment, if he makes regular motions towards you, he really dose enjoy your company and will defend you no matter what.

on a last note he is a very well trained in the shamanistic arts and is more then willing to train others in the the ways of the Elements.

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