Name: Amraja
Species: Wolf Spider
Height: 5' 10"
weight: unknown
Sexually Orintation: N/A (dosn't know)
He looks like a normal anthro standing on two legs, his feet oddly are spider claws and his hands are the same, he is wearing a long black trench coat and pair of plain blue pants, with an opening in the back for his long abdomen, his four extra arms is tucked in under the trench hidden. The Shirt he is wearing (has extra arm holes) is a VGcats Tee, stating that he is a “Jenova’s Witness”. His face is covered in thick black fur (as is the rest of his body) His 4 eyes obviously seen each just a black but slightly shinier, His major fangs are on the side of his mouth which is full of sharp teeth. He enjoys chewing on one of the many rubber balls he has in his Trench, Now onto what everyone cares about, He is not sure what is sexual orintation is, he has mated with a female once, but after they were done she attempted to eat him, but all he saw before he ran away was her clawing out 2 of his eyes, he is now afraid that all Women want to "eat his face off" he is rather child like and enjoys having fun, bt is horribly skitish, espically around Women, but if he is bothered to muc or feels threatened he is not at all afrid to attack, he is a wolf Spider after all, If insulted or excited in anyway he will begin acting like a normal Wolf Spider and Take what he wants
Most male spiders have ridiculously large palps (spider penis) relative to their body size ((aka I have a huge spider penis))