Before you is Amenai, a odd shark like woman standing at a fair 5'2 with a hour glass build for that of a human at 129 lbs. When looking from head to two one would see mostly linen wraps across 90% of her body with tanned skin just beyond, a pair of misty purple& orange eyes, black hair reaching back to upper back.A lovely marking of a multi winged scarab halfway down her tail, A new amethyst scarab sits on her chest just above her Heavy breasts.
Typically she is seen in her linen wraps, glasses, her scarab, and a small charm hanging from her tail.
If asked she wouldn't be able to answer who or what she is properly, only fragments of memory she clings to. She seems living, but at the same time not fully so. She was once human but certainly not anymore, she has a heartbeat and does not rot, so certainly not undead.
Sometimes one can see her making little fake dolls of people from linen and various other things.
She is also commonly seen with a 'pet' massive red & sand colored beetle named 'specky'.
She recently became friends with Zea whom changed her into whom she is today, and became bonded with Mango, a lovely sharky nerdy man who finds so fun.
Said lovely shark was kind enough to make her a picture!