Alexander Hughes
Age: 27
Height: 6�0�
Weight: 198
Species: Wolf
Fur color: Black
Eye color: Sapphire blue
Back ground report:
Second Lieutenant Alexander �Alex, Al or Xander� Hughes is an investigations officer of the State, main job is in crime, murder and illegal use of firearms. Alexander Hughes is also a major hand to hand combat. He has an abundant supply of push daggers and throwing knives. When he was just thirteen years old, Hughes had passed the military tests Crime solving techniques. He was also honored for fighting in the Great War of Furcate, city of gold. At the age of eighteen he was honored and given the medal of The People, for saving the Fuher King Bradley�s Family from an attack on Central City. At the age of twenty-one Hughes became Second Lieutenant and became head of the Crimes unit, for solving the murders of Central. After three years, Second Lieutenant Hughes has since been head of the crimes unit, which is today known as the Major Crimes Unit. Alexander Hughes has no social life, so far as the Central does not know of Second Lieutenant Hughes.
Second Lieutenant Alexander Hughes is a black Timber wolf, he stands a full Six feet even. His fur is jet black, well brused and well kept. HIs head fur is swept back excpet for a single straind that stick out in the middle off to the left. His Sapphire blue eyes stand out the most due to his dark fur, his clothing consistes of a red trench coat, suit like shirt and vest underneath. Red tie and black jeans, he does not wear shoes so his hindpaw pads are rough and his claws to a rounded nub. Alexander Hughes is a happy go get kind of guy, he enjoys long conversations and making new friends. A new blade has been givven to Alexander, which rests on his back, a katana that is sixty-eight inches long. So no it doesn;t point downward more like off to the side. This katana is made of a black metal, that is stronger than any other normal metal. This katana was given to him by a old friend from his world. The name will not be given for his/her protection. A new addition to Huge's profile, he is an humunculus. A living doll if you will.He is able to heal faster than a normal fur can, he is also agile and always hungry, even intelligent for his own good. Being all seven sins rolled into one. He has seven markings along his body, one on his tongue, for gluttony, his right eye if he were to roll it back for Pride. Another over his chest, directly over his heart for envy, another on his right shoulder for wrath, another on his left arm for greed. Another over his crotch for lust, and the last on on his lower back for Sloth. He is not out for anyone anymore, he has lived a long enough life to give up on the stone. Only thing he is worried about is that a Magician/Alchemist touches one of his markings turning him into something he doesn;t want away. A new thing has happened to the humunculis, a magician has touched two marks, his all seeing eye (wrath) and his ultimate shield has now melded with his sword to his right fore arm and paw (greed, kind think like witch blade).
Head office
This is Alexander's office, a large room with a single large oak desk complete with a leather chair. In the back a large cabnite which is indeed filled with bottles of what ever alcohol you wish. To the right is a couch which is messy with a pillow and a blanket. On the desk is a hidden button that when pressed. The cabnite slides to the left revealing what looks like an endless hallway of clothing, from casual wear to the more skimpy/kinky clothing, for men and women. But to the right down the hall a bit is a opening leading to another large room. In the middle is a large bed. Covered in red silk sheets, pillows and blanket. The carpet is a thick white rug and to the right is a large four panel mirror for well, looking at one's self for the day. Behind that is a line of red trenchcoats and his usual clothing wear, but one stuck out a single tux, black with a red tie. What is it for? no one really knows, aside from Alex.
Tub arena
Alex took over this arena for a purpose, mainly because it's never in use much anymore and for a being like him. He enjoys a good fight, he is always standing in the middle of it his katana unsheathed (think of sephiroth's sword) he stands alone and smirks when someone enters. Taking it as a challenge he will be ready for anything. His trenchcoat is always off in this arena. Only thing he has on is his dress shirt, vest jeans and tie. Plus if the fight is good and makes a challenge for him, you might be lucky enough to see his true form. His humunculis form, so if you think you have what it takes, just jump in and attack.
Gained a new power from Blair: the sight to see where a person has been, footsteps to things they have touched.
Little Sister : The lovely wolfess Aya <3
Pups: (Adopted) Findari, Mirabelle, Blair
(born) King, Bradly and Maes (mother/father) Drako.
Pets:Grim, Roxy
Pic done by Mamab (Thanks again)
(Gift from tricky)