
New to the Tub, Aleisha is a small, grey, shorthaired cat. Her body is slightly toned due to a somewhat active lifestyle, but she is frequently overtaken by the insatiable urge to nap in the sun. She has shoulder length headfur that she usually keeps up in a loose ponytail to keep it out of her face, and when not in a bath house, she would likely wear a pair of running shorts and a tank top with a sports bra, colors depend upon the day.

As for what she likes, and doesn't like for that matter, Aleisha is a huge fan of sweets, both fruits and candies are among her favorite things to eat. She is trying to cut back on the candy though, so try not to tempt her with them, she might not be able to resist. She's not to great a fan of outdoorsy stuff, having been in the city her whole life, she hasn't been exposed to much of it. She prefers running on a treadmill to a trek through the park, and absolutely hates getting her fur muddy.

(If I left out anything important please let me know~)

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