
Your eyes wander over the form thats making his way past you in a rather calm steady gait, pausing only when the feel of your gaze roving over his body comes to his attention, a single ear perking in response before he turns fully to induldge your curiousity. He has the look of a pharaoh hound in his features, his ears being the first most notiable thing, long and triangular, always seeming to stand at attention. His long tapered muzzle casts a dignified look to his face, the short dark fur running over it managing to deepen its expressivness. Crystal eyes of a most azure hue flicker with hard earned wisdom, yet remain soft enough that they cannot hide a touch of his ever present compassion, the crisp blue only seeming to stand out even more so from the golden khol that is layered around his eye in the shape of the sign of Ra.

His body is covered with fairly short fur of a rich ebony sheen, doing nothing to hide the shape and bulk of the muscles that shudder and swell with even the simplest motion he makes. And while the bulk is most impressive, it does not seem to detract from his grace in the slightest, retaining that most predatory air about him at all times. His thick neck is partially obscured by the ornemental collar that he wears, made of thick gold and adorned with blue faience stone cut in the symbol of an ankh, while over his massive arms are a number of bands of gold, decorated in the same manner. He wears his long raven black hair braided in several thick coils, each capped on the end by a intricately carved clasp to keep the tightly bound hair from coming loose, their length settling down along the center of his back and coming to a stop along his hips.

A delicate golden chain runs from under the collar around his neck to hold an ornate medallion over his thick pecs, the surface of it carved into the symbol of Re-Horakhty to prenounce his loyalty to the deity of the sun. Although for all the jewlery that is decorating his form, the only scrap of clothing that he wears is in the form of a gossamer fine linen kilt, purest white and pleated so that while its thin enough that it cannot hide too much of what moves behind it, its continuous sway and shifting keeps some things a bit of a mystery. Yet for all the shifting of the cloth over his toned legs, the slit along its side can only conceal but so much and a glimpse of what the buldge behind the cloth is can occasionally be caught..this is of course if one is looking for such things.

His long tail flicks out behind him frequently in a slow manner, only causing the kilt that miraculously stays wrapped around his narrow waist to shift even more so, occasionally giving the truly attentive onlooker a glimpse of the taunt cheeks of his rear. At each ankle he again wears a golden circle of some sort, the loop completely solid and from the look of them, no visable clasps, joints or hinges, appearing unable to be removed. His feet remain completely bare for the moment, uncharicteristic for one of his station, but whos to argue? Noting that your gaze has completed its course, his lips peel back along his maw and offers you a smile, nodding once before turning to conitnue on his buisness.

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Page last autogenerated at Sun, May 28 / 2006 (07:08 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)