
A simple fae of normal outer-land origins, one of the more excitable bubbly girls you might find. She is typically seen baring a yellow-white skin tone with pink hair and matching(even darker) pair of eyes. Her wings are two longer pair above and two smaller a bit lower on her back, both sets 'bleed' from orange to pink, to green from the base of her spine to the tips of the wing. While she had wings she rarely flutters them unless angry.
She usually wears what she can find, currently is a tiny light-blue dress stolen from a little girl's doll.

Like most fae, iron and cold iron makes her wish to flee out of fear of pain, and she has a dislike for sour fruit or scents. She has a love for fresh water and berries with a secret addiction to cookies.

She is normally a simple 4-5 inches tall but if angered or feeling cheeky she can use a bit of magic to get to a good 4 feet instead. Yes she is very old, she tends to act more like a childish teen still from time to time. (She gets snooty!)

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