Due to genetic tampering, this particular Xenomorph is no longer apart of the Hivemind. This also has a lot of disadvantages, leaving it vulnerable to being attacked from more than one source. However, it has been been given superior knowledge that helps it defend itself. Aen is also not a sexual being per se. It cannot reproduce like all other animals; there is only "windows of opportunity" which are short and far between;
Spring and Winter are normally when it is most fertile for reproduction, but getting it to respond to stimuli/courting can be a bit tricky.
For all intents and purposes, if it were to have a gender--it would be a she, considering the fact that it resembles a Hive Queen, save for the fact there is no way that it can produce a egg sac out of "season" .. It is the same look, height and "feel" as a Queen--even able to produce an odd 'pheramone' to attract prey and mate alike.