Adra Windcrafte
Full Name: Adra Saer Windcrafte (((Adran Saerin Windcrafte for male form (WHICH IS EXTREMELY RARE) ))
Alias: Adra or Windcrafte
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Orientation: Straight
Status: Single
Father: (Deceased) Laundsten Windcrafte
Mother: (Deceased) Kamyra Windcrafte
Siblings: Retsul (Brother, Alive)
Shop/Industry: Windcrafte Mechanics Inc.
Adra probably isn't that much different from others....However, she does have unique traits. Her entire life she's lived amongst cars, mechanics, inventions and a good bit of illegal activity. Her father, since before she was born, was a big-time mechanic in their home city. Laundsten had numerous contacts, friends in high places, and also had major enemies with local mafia's. Her father was very smart...but eventually even his intelligence got the better of him.
When Adra was only 17 and a junior in her high school, a terrible tragedy befell the Windcrafte family. One of the high-up mafia's in the city had decided that Laundsten and his family should finally pay for the things he had done (Nothing bad..more or less Laundsten's family came close to being the Top-Family in the city, even that above the high-up mafia.). However, the leader of the mafia at that time had a very small heart and only made Laundsten and Kamyra pay the consequences - deeming that Adra and her brother were too young to be of any threat. While Adra and Retsul were safely away in school, the mafia placed explosives throughout the Windcrafte Manor. When Laundsten and his wife came home - that was it. Tragedy struck and the parents were killed instantly.
The authorities came, obviously, but they were bought off from the mafia and told the media - and the children - that there was a major gas leak. Obviously, the event caused Adra and her brother to be put, temporarily, into foster care until Adra was old enough to live on her own. The inheritence, shops and money equaled out to over a million $ and it went to both Adra and her brother. The mafia didn't seem to care. In fact, the leader's son, a fat rat-like man called Ratsa, had become attached to the young Adra. Ironically, the mafia kept a close eye on the two, keeping Adra and Retsul safe from harm.
After Adra graduated sometime later, she bought a piece of property for herself and her brother. Adra had sold off the other shops her father had open and had put the money into an emergency funding..even though they had more than enough money to last quite a long time. Anyways, Adra and her brother Retsul stayed with their adopted Uncle, Riven Gaurlan. Riven had been a great friend of her family for years and was actually their foster guardian up until Adra was old enough. ((Sadly, Riven dies of a heart attack two years later after Adra and Retsul are settled into their new life style)). Adra, knowing pretty much everything her father did, had a mechanic shop built onto that piece of land she bought. Behind the shop she also had a house built.
It took a while, but Adra and Retsul settled into their new life...continuing the dream their father had put forward. Retsul, who should have been the one more interested in the cars and mechanics, was more interested in sports. Adra was the first born and had always loved all her father more or less she ran the shop..fixing cars, inventing things and selling items that others might need. Her brother was merely required (when their parents died he was around 10. Now he's about 18) to run the cash register and keep the actual shop clean and he would be paid for it, obviously. During this time, Adra also took online courses and eventually earned a degree. She also recieved her business licenses amongst other things.
It took quite a while, but Adra finally worked her way into the same position her father was in. However, by now - the original Leader of the Mafia had retired (and then died soon after), leaving Ratsa - his son, in charge. Ratsa had never once wavered from his obsession with Adra and he would constantly go to her shop and have her fix any car he had...If they didn't need fixing - he would pay for her to upgrade them. Adra was still unaware of the fact the mafia had something to do with her parents' death. She was aware who Ratsa was - and figured as long as she stayed on his good side she had nothing to worry about.
Well, things changed. Retsul went off to college and by now Adra had opened up several more shops - hiring trustworthy individuals to keep everything going. She continued to work at her first shop, being the sole employee there. However, what Ratsa didn't know was that she had been secretly dating someone she had known since grade school. His name was Creston Ethyrt. Due to the fact the mafia liked to blackmail people - Adra and Creston kept their relationship secret. However, Ratsa found out and literally..blew a fuse.
Ratsa, and his obsessive desire to have Adra for himself, hired a bunch of his cronies to kill off Creston. Like before, the 'assassination' was meant to look like another accident. Once more - the authorities were bribed into stating as such and Adra was forced to believe her boyfriend (On a sad note, he was preparing to propose to her before he was killed) was killed in a horrific car accident off the interstate..supposedly on his way to a jewelry store out of town. This caused Adra to go into a state of depression and for several weeks she closed shop and hid within her home.
Eventually, she went back to work..and continued to work for Ratsa and deal in her own bit of illegal activity.
Presently, Adra is still working at her shop but has decided to take a vacation every now and then. She now has three employee's at her home-shop and due to requests from them and other friends - she takes multiple breaks away. (Who would blame her?).
((((Just a note. I didn't mention this before..when on duty she always dressed like a boy. She is a BIG tom-boy. She refuses to wear anything girly and pretty much all the time she's covered in grease or oil. Her main outfit when on duty is a dark baseball cap with holes in them to allow her ears to stick out, a black baggy male's tank top (She also tends to wear tight bra's to make her look flat-chested), black extremely baggy cargo pants with a leather belt, leather-brown combat-type thick boots, and leather-brown carpenter gloves. She also carries a crowbar around..normally it hangs from her belt.))))
Current Plotlines:
None D8
5'8 tall, around 169 lbs and very muscular. (VERY tom-boy)
Long forest-green hair with some lighter green highlights.
Blue eyes.
Chest is a 38C.
She also has three forms.
She has her human-like appearance that sports just her black panther ears on her head and a long black panther tail.
Her anthro appearance(Duh), is a black panther with silky soft fur and still sports the green hair.
Her feral form is obviously a black panther and also sports her green hair.
Cars ((Though in real life I know nothing about them))
Anything mechanical
Ratsa is still after her, so to stick with her storyline if a mateship/relationship must be kept secret.
She doesn't do master/mistresses or pets. Also keep in mind the note at the top - if an RP is started, NO SEX.
Only picture Given:
Above picture was originally sketched by Sully. Then with permission I took it into photoshop and lined, colored, shaded, etc. =D Collab of Adra. Yes, she always carries that crowbar.