[image removed at the request of the artist, dont put it back up. -mamab]
Theme Song: Burn Halo - Dirty Little Girl and Buck Cherry - Crazy Bitch
Name: Adena Adelonda
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Chest: C +(yes I have nipples :P)
Shell: Grey, Spiky and surprisingly detachable.
Preference: You have a penis and we will be okay. (Meaning I will only like males, herms and shemales and anything else as long as it has a dong! :P)
IC: I'm often IC (In Character) a lot and will do the the usual /me, so if this in any way is to your disliking when we first 'meet' then tough titties. :P
Also I am very friendly despite the fire breathing and spiked shell and will almost always be able to send a 'hello' back to those who contact me out of the blue so yeah don't be afraid to at least say hi, though no guarantees of anything more.. 'intimate', can't be 'that' easy lol. ;)
Clothing: Wearing usually a one shoulder strapped(usually on the right shoulder) black tank top. Black leather choker with upper arm length black fingerless gloves. Wears two metal studded belts both with strange skull like images on the front of them, which holds up her short pleated black mini skirt. As your eyes would travel down they would find her legs wore dark gray thigh high stockings which were being held up by a garter belt apparently, lastly she wears black, steel toed leather boots.
New Outfit 1: As per popular request I have a new outfit, like the one linked here ( http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics/images/b/bad_school_girl-1488.jpg ) though without the crappy crown and wings... and crosses.
New Outfit 2: Again, sad to say but I just cannot say no to requests so here is my second costume inspired from a fighting game. ( http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o54/wweofme/STREET FIGHTER 4 ARTWORK/CrimsonViper.jpg )
New Outfit 3(Beach edition): It basically looks like this, save for there is only one shoulder strap and it is to the left shoulder. ( http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41c%2Bo5j42fL._AA280_.jpg )
Abilities: Usually I am a hand to hand martial arts movie loving kind of girl, but thanks to a friend of mine now I have a nice little..perk, spar me to find out hmm?
No's: No one liners(at least two sentences please), no txt speak and no anime rip off's, No I will not talk to you over the phone I want to keep this world and the real world separate thank you. Also if I have a 'kink' listed in my RH profiles as no.. then fucking DO NOT try to get me to do it.