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(Can be either in nonanthro form or anthro, more often then not, he will be in feral form, but can be anthro on request. Also gained the ability to size shift for better comfort for furs and dragons of all sizes.)

Achak is a tall, strong, feral storm dragon whose silver scales gently glitter in the afternoon sun along his back, leading down to his underbelly, where faint glimmers of a lighter silver, almost a shimmering white. From his broad, expansive wings, the supporting bone leading down to the tips were spiked with light points, each colored golden; the leathery wings they support were a lighter shade of silver, almost a grey. Topping the midsection along the leading edge was a set of tri fingers, shaped in the manner of a claw that was also golden in color.

From his head leading all the way to his tapered tail tip rose a fin, supported by a series of light spikes which could raise and lower the leathery fin to lie flat, or stand tall along his spine. His broad muzzle was strongly set and noble in appearance. A set of strong ivory horns fell along to the back of his head, just overlapping the top of his fin with his head held normally. The horns were lightly curved, the tips pointing downwards, as if aiming to his long, trailing tail tip. Around the horns bases, set up a few inches were a pair of golden bands, raised on the edges and having an aquamarine gem-like centering between them each to match his crystalline blue eyes. The beast’s ear frills were broad fans, supported by long sets of thin muscle along the insides of them, tapered by a top edge of them to support it fully. These were set with a few silver rings in each, with a middle of sterling blue to match his horn rings and eyes.

Trailing down along his very well muscled being, his forearms seemed to ripple and flex with each soft step he took. The tips of his four toed claws were tipped with his talons, three of the toes being forward in a wider fan shape, while the back claw was used for grabbing and holding. His back legs had the appearance of even greater muscularity due to the shape of them. The thick muscular thigh came down just as any normal leg would before turning at the knee to come gently back up to a ankle point, tipped with another golden talon before fanning down into the foot paw joint itself connecting to the wide and powerfully toned digits, thicker and stronger then the forepaw ones.

The dragon’s body was that of a normal beast of his size, having a broad chest, which tapered back to his midsection. The torso directly lead back into his tail, the length extended a good deal back behind him. At least two body lengths to come to a smooth tip lightly flared on the top side with the very edge of his fin. He stood idly, smiling down upon those that gazed up to him and with a warm purr, he lowered his head closer to the being and smiled, purring his content.

“Greetings there, who might you be?”


As you gaze out to the night sky, glittering high above the atmosphere the moon shines warmly, coating all that it touches with its rays in a dull but inviting light. But as you look closer, a shimmer seems to approach towards you, the object moving at a slow glide, but it keeps expanding, letting you know that whatever it is, it’s heading straight for you. As the figure comes further into view, the long, streamlined tail should be a good giveaway as to the nature of this creature flying towards yourself, and soon the classic dragon in flight profile fills your eyes. The broad leathery wings ruffle with the breeze he generates as he comes down to a landing in front of you, a shudder felt through the earth as his talons sink deep into the dirt as he stands before you. Despite his size, he has an unexplainable aura of relaxation around him, easing your initial fear of his stature. As he breaths a deep sigh of content, he furls his wings back as he extends a great paw out towards you with a warm “Hello, how are you this eve?”

As you gently take his paw, he softly curls his thick digits around it, shaking it very lightly as you can’t help yourself but gaze up his full 18 feet into his eyes. The first thing you notice is that he doesn’t have a traditional dragon muzzle where it slims down to a sharper nose in the front. Instead, it appears to be more canine in nature, a wider nose on the front adorns the tip of his muzzle, while the rest is the same width all the way back to his jaw, but inside its lined with a bright smile of sharp fangs and hidden within the ivory prison lays a long forked tongue of which playfully sticks out at you as he sees you staring. Even his eyes seem to be radiant and glowing, but the silver dragon’s icy blue eyes gaze back at you, instilling content and happiness as he lightly relaxes from his long flight. Atop his sleek head, a pair of ivory horns stands out proudly from his skull, reaching nearly 2 feet in length each, and in the low light, they seem to sparkle. As you trail downward, his cheeks are a bit more rounded then they should be, but they lead back to his ear frills. Like a 3 pointed fan on each side, they reach back a bit further along his head as to catch your murmurs under your breath in their leathery confines. Leading further down his neck stands is nothing special, just toned and adorned with brilliant silver scales, but the length is a bit longer then with most anthro dragons.

Your eyes soon reach his shoulders, the broad expanse definitely having to be strong enough to stabilize his arms as he is a bit more muscular then other silver dragon’s his size, yet he doesn’t appear to be that much stronger as he still retains his sleek shape. Powerful biceps show up underneath his scales as he flexes just a bit, but as he does so it’s apparent that from his elbows he has a horn on each one, extending out a foot from each apex leading out to a sharp point. Those though are mainly used for battle, if he so needs them, otherwise they really don’t get in the way of anything else. His chest lightly bobs as his soft breaths lightly strain his scales while it leads down to his toned abdominals, the dragon’s stomach quite cut and firm, as his duty to his master requires him to be strong to protect him. The dragon’s paws are a sight in themselves as he slowly lets his paw open to let yours out from its confines. Each is just a tad larger then a frying pan, but on the tips form dull ebony claw tips for
better scritching though someone’s fur, suited for more intimate moments.

Due to your current position, his crotch area is most likely within your immediate view, but not to worry, he is clothed…for now. Along the top ridge of his waistband lays a thin layer of black, but those are his under garments, a pair of ebony black Spandex shorts grips his curves there snugly, definitely accenting his equipment. Over atop those, he wears an older pair of bike shorts, mostly ebony, but with a set of silver linings along each leg on the outside. The mesh hides his form a bit further, but still can’t help itself from bulging out a bit. Sheepishly he turns away a bit so that you don’t have to gaze upon that if you don’t wish. Trailing downwards further yet his powerful thighs show off that he is quite the runner as with each step they ripple gently under his scales. His footpaws are broad and strong, each tipped in a long, lightly curved, sharp talon, very useful in combat as well, but he abstains from using them as much as he can.

Now that his back is turned to you, his other assets come into view. Starting off with his wings, the dragon slowly spreads them out to show their full size at an impressive 60 feet wide from wingtip to wingtip. Between each of his wing bones are the leathery folds that sustain his flight, being lighter silver, almost a grey as he
displays them for you. From his toned rump he displays what the most peculiar aspect of himself. The dragon’s tail starts off quite thick from the base of his spine, but as it leads out from his rump, it grows quite thin fairly quickly. But upon gazing from the length of it, the full length of it must be around 30 feet or more and ends in a soft tipped point. At rest, it usually just rests upon the ground, but when walking around, he usually holds it just a few inches above the ground, just so that it doesn’t drag. Also along his back is something not really seen much on silver dragon’s anymore, since they are more commonly seen on gold dragons instead. A soft pliable fin starts at the base of his neck and runs the length of his spine and most of his tail, until it thins out at the very tip to the point. Even though by the looks of it that it would injure someone touching it, it can be as soft as velvet if willed, or as strong as steel if he needs a defensive position.

As he settles into the couch, the very tip of his long tail seems to wave at you, a warm smile spreading over his muzzle as he invites you into a cuddle on his lap within his wings. With a gentle wink, he gently encloses his wings around your form, holding you close as he scritches over your entire body, keeping you safe. “Mmm…pleasure
to meet you too…”

Looks a lot like this nonanthro, just with taller hindlegs and more muscled, and with a bit of added length to the body.

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