
Height:7' 2"
Exact Species:Grey Timber Wolf
Sexual Pref: Maybe you had better find out
Favorite Quote: Well if it has to be between you and me, then its no contest cause I can always run faster if I have to

Standing tall and proud is the wolf named Abucard, or to thos close to him Abu. Dressed in blue jeans and a t-shirt with a pack almost always across his shoulders carring his life for the most part, his deep blue eyes peirce into whatever he is looking at. Thin, strong and quick are all words that describe him, as well as soft, kind and intelligent. He is hard to get angry, loves a good snuggle with close friends, but has a darker side when hes caught in the mood. Long ago he was the owner of a brothel, and while concidered fair by some he let none get around him, ruling with an iron fist over every aspect of their lives. While he has eased up on life, now and again he drops back into his old mindset. While this can normaly be set off my having a submissive in bed, it can also be triggered by something as mudane as looking at him wrong. He has an interesting sense of humor and is fond of ropes and bondage, turning it almost into an artform for both the tied and the tier. Going back to his owners routes however is the connection of protection for those that he conciders a friend. Its been more than once that hes dropped what he was doing to scrap and sometimes kill those that have injured someones pride close to him, god forbid they really cause physcal harm. But beyond those flaws he really does try to help others, not letting his past intrude to much upon his current life and friends. He is never hard to get ahold of, and loves a random stranger showing up to wave hello. In fact seeing how thats how 99% of friendships start dont be suprised if he does it to you first.

Contents of the backpack Change of clothing x3, Supplies (5 days worth normaly) Snacks (JERKY ^^)x? Collapsed M016A2 with ammo (never know, right?) Various knives, dirks, daggers, needles (again, never know) Various toys (do I really need to explain what these are for? ;P) And of course acess to my special plot hole (if you ask ill just toss you in and let you figure it out)

Suppose a light discription of his past is long long past due, When he first went from pup to adult he tried his hand in military, finding a great many friends but also losing an almost equal number, this part of his past can cause him to become rather dark and depressed, but also helps him to survive, enabling him to lie, steal, and muscle his way into anything, while also keeping him almost anyones equal in a fight. After this he obtained the brothel, raising it from a 3rd rate place to one of the best in the northeast, though after a while it became to seedy for his tastes and he sold out. While there he learned about management and the underworlds, both again playing on his military background to keep him afloat.Once he sold it off he began to wander from place to place, settling down in yiffurs for a space of several years, though recently setting his boots down in the Tub. He is always looking for a new place to spend his time, so if you have suggestions pass them on.

Last Peices (omg, I know almost done) I do play around, im not mated, I do perfer a good snuggle to a yiff, I can do anything from multi-papa down to single liners, of course perfer the middle ground. IRL is something I might mention while just talking randomly, but it wont get indepth and will never ask you about the same. Im here to meet people. I do fight for various reasons, and while not a magic user I do have ways of standing my own.

*bows to whomever had the instanity to read though all of this profile, devoid of any pics or caring* thank you for your momment of attention, pardon the spelling errors, and please do have a wonderful day *smirks just a hair* And do stop by, I can tell im already bored

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