Species: Siberian Huskytaur
Gender: Male
Age: mid-20s
Height: about 4' at the main body, nearly 7' at the head
Build: Medium, but very muscular from lots of work and exercise
Fur: Thick; copper red coloring; cream colored underbelly
Hair: Dark Red, short, messy
Tail: About 3.5 ft long, copper red coloring, white tip, fluffy as hell
Eyes: Left one is amber, the right is husky blue
Orientation: Straight
Clothes: Abernathy has no need of clothes, but has been occasionally seen in a t-shirt or hoodie, depending on the social situation. His main body is clothed only in his floofy husky fur.
Family: Abernathy is the third of six children born to a husky father and a huskytaur mother; 3 boys and 3 girls. His physique is a result of years of working the fields with his father, as well as plenty of time spent wrestling with his other siblings.
===== Relationships =====
Mate(s): none
Master(s): none
Pet(s): none
Friend(s): Hopefully, You!
===== Artistic Stuff by Other People =====
Thank you Sully!
courtesy of the amazing Ork!
Notes: Will be updated as needed.